One part of being a good genealogist is having a collection of resources. While there is plenty available online, there is something special about seeing the name of an ancestor in a printed work. I have a small but growing collection of printed genealogy books. I'll be listing them here.

Another part of being a good genealogist is the willingness to share. I've made countless discoveries about my family because of the generosity of others.

Include here are some very specific areas of Kentucky, Montana, Pennsylvania, Ireland, and more. Contact me for a free index search.


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Historical Sketches of the Parish of St. Bernard of Clairvaux on Casey Creek Clementsville, Kentucky

John A. Lyons

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Casey County, Kentucky 1806: Settlement and Early Development (Tax, Land, Slave Record, Acts of Kentucky Assembly)

Bicentennial Heritage Corporation Casey County, Kentucky


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The Butte Irish: Class and Ethnicity in an American Mining Town, 1875-1925


David M. Emmons



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Biographical and Portrait Cyclopedia of Cambria County, Pennsylvania

Southwest Pennsylvania Genealogical Services

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Biographical and Historical Cyclopedia of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania

Southwest Pennsylvania Genealogical Services

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From Sea to Shinning Sea: The Kring Family



Sandra Kring Horner and Patricia Bickel

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The Earliest Rhodes of Bedford, Blair, Huntingdon, Mifflin, and Somerest Counties of Pennsylvania



The Blair County Genealogical Society


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Annals of Beara Volume I

Riobard O'Dwyer

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Annals of Beara Volume II

Riobard O'Dwyer

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Annals of Beara Volume III

Riobard O'Dwyer

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Families of County Cork, Ireland: Volume IV of the Book of Irish Families, Great and Small

Michael C. O'Laughlin