Public School Geography (Canada, 1905) - Family Artifact Challenge (Day 2)

I started this challenge, mostly for myself, on a whim. I quickly realized that in order to post once a day for a month (and write a bit) it would help to include artifacts from my wife’s family.

This “Public School Geography” book came from my wife’s collection. It was published in Toronto by the Canada Publishing Co. It cost 75 cents. 

Geography Book2.jpg

Here are a few photos from the inside:


The book is in pretty rough shape with the spine barely holding the pages together. There are no publishing dates listed anywhere (the front pages are missing). There is an appendix that lists some facts and figures (e.g., population) with the most “recent” figures coming from 1901. There is also one hand written date of “1913” and a signature of “Bessie Millson”. My wife is from Canada, and her maiden name is Millson, but as of yet we aren’t sure who Bessie is.  

Geography Book7.jpg

A google search shows the same book cover with a publication date of 1905. I am confident that this is, in fact, the same 1905 publication that you can read in full here, at the Internet Archive:

When I am “done” with my side of the family tree perhaps I can move on to the Millsons!

Thanks for taking a look at the Family History Artifact of the Day Challenge! Every day in May I will be posting a family artifact or heirloom. I hope you’ll join!

To participate or see what other’s are posting consider joining the private Friends of the Psychogenealogist Facebook Group.

See All of the Challenge Posts: