Blog — The Psychogenealogist

Pic of the Week (#139) - Burlington Boy Rides Fake Horse (1919)

Pic of the Week (#139) - Burlington Boy Rides Fake Horse (1919)

Is this boy at a Burlington Railway (Ontario, Canada) station in 1919 or 1920? Can you help me find and tell his story?

Women of Worcester, Massachusetts in Full Color (abt. 1915)

Women of Worcester, Massachusetts in Full Color (abt. 1915)

Colorized by Okkama Colorizations at The Psychogenealogist (2019). Who are these young women and what are their colorful stories?

Pic of the Week (#138) - A "Good" Samaritan of the 1950s

Pic of the Week (#138) - A "Good" Samaritan of the 1950s

A Samaritan Holy Man likely from the 1950s stands next to a religious scroll. Who is this man wand what is his story?

"Angry Elephants Quieted By Clown With Town Bread" - August 3, 1926

"Angry Elephants Quieted By Clown With Town Bread" - August 3, 1926

The Psychogenealogist Reads The News! A circus clown saves the town from angry elephants. WITH BREAD! Real articles from yesteryear read with old-times charm to a modern audience.

British Welding Woman Airplane Worker in Full Color (1914)

British Welding Woman Airplane Worker in Full Color (1914)

Colorized by Okkama Colorizations at The Psychogenealogist (2019). Original photo (1914) by unknown photographer, courtesy of the University of British Columbia Library Digitization Centre.

Pic of the Week (#137) - "Drawing His Salary" - Postcard (1908) From Kalamazoo, MI

Pic of the Week (#137) - "Drawing His Salary"  - Postcard (1908) From Kalamazoo, MI

A postcard sent from Kalamazoo, MI in 1908. It shows an artist at an easel “Drawing His Salary”.

"Dill Pickle Foils Would-be Watermelon Thief" - July 31, 1943

"Dill Pickle Foils Would-be Watermelon Thief" - July 31, 1943

Great news of the successful apprehension of a would-be watermelon thief! - July 31, 1943

The Piegan Family of Reuben Black Boy in Full Color (1910)

The Piegan Family of Reuben Black Boy in Full Color (1910)

Colorized by Okkama Colorizations at The Psychogenealogist (2019). Original photo by Edward S. Curtis (1868-1952) in 1910.

Pic of the Week (#136) - Sweet Smiling Siblings

Pic of the Week (#136) - Sweet Smiling Siblings

I was delighted to find this very unique cabinet card photograph of two smiling children holding hands. Who are they? Can you help me find their stories?

Pic of the Week (#135) - Strunk Artistic Photographer of Reading, PA

Pic of the Week (#135) - Strunk Artistic Photographer of Reading, PA

I like the soulfully angular look of the woman in this late 1800s or early 1900s cabinet card photograph. Who is she? What is her story?