Every Friday The Psychogenealogist shares a "Pic of the Week." The intent is to encourage thought and imagination about the spaces where psychology, genealogy, and history converge.
Here is an unused postcard I found in a cabinet of a family cottage in Grayling, MI. The cottage has been in our family for several generations and over the years I've been there several dozens of times. It has been used by many families and their friends.
I recently unearthed a treasure trove of old family photographs there! Among the photographs was a stack of unused postcards and this one caught my eye.
Chapel in The Pines - Hartwick Pines State Park - Grayling, Mich.
It shows a picture of the "Chapel in The Pines" at the Hartwick Pines State Park in Grayling, MI. In all my years of visiting Grayling I don't remember ever going to this state park and I certainly don't remember this unique looking building.
Here is a more recent photograph of the Chapel from the Grayling Visitors Bureau:
Photograph courtesy of the Grayling Visitor's Bureau
The park sounds lovely and is going on my list of places to visit next time I go. From the Grayling Visitor's Bureau's website:
"The principal feature of the park is the forest of old growth white pines. At one time totaling 85 acres, storm damage and age have reduced the mature forest to some 49 acres. Stretching skyward for 120 feet and more, the giant pines are the only remnants of what Michigan looked like before the arrival of men with axes."
The Chapel is a popular spot for weddings and is described as "a secluded spot for a few minutes of peace and serenity." Sign me up!
At first glance the back of the postcard isn't all that interesting. I did, however, google "Devolite Peerless". It is stamped in the upper right corner and appears to be the publisher of this posctard
Back of postcard - Devolite Peerless, Publisher
The website playle.com helped my establish that this real photo postcard manufacturer published cards from 1950 onward. You can find that page here. Not the most helpful information, but is something you should keep in mind when trying to date unused postcards like this.
- Where are your favorite family vacation spots?
- Have you every been to Hartwick Pines State Park?
- How about the Chapel? What does it look like in side?
- How do shared family annual vacation spots tie generations together?
- What do you think, feel, and wonder about when you look at this photo?
Bonus Challenge:
I will mail this postcard to the first person who can show me some personal pics or video from inside this Chapel. Just sign up for my email list below and send me an message with your pic or video (info@psychogenealogist.com). You can put your mailing address in the "Message" section. With your permission I will post your contribution in a future post.
Do you have an old photograph or a genealogical story that you would like to share? I am happy to consider guest submissions for possible Pic of the Week or other blog posts in the future. Send an email to info@psychogenealogist.com for more information.
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