Every Friday The Psychogenealogist shares a "Pic of the Week." The intent is to encourage thought and imagination about the spaces where psychology, genealogy, and history converge.
Here is a neat photo of a young military man putting on his shoes.

I found it in a bin of random photographs at a local antique store. There is some writing on the back.

It reads:
My buddy, who owns camera, putting on shoes after coming out of temple
John Chrisville - New York
The “80” written on the back I believe is just to identify the seller of the image who was renting space at the store.
Thats all I know! What else can you tell me? Here are some questions to consider.
Who is this man and what is his story?
I am guessing this to be World War II. Where do you think he is?
Is John the man in the picture?
What branch of the service is he?
What records can be obtained from genealogy sources?
What kind of temple is he leaving?
Is there any family of his alive today who might be interested in having this photo sent to them?
What do you think, feel, and wonder about as you look at the photo?
I would love to hear what you come up with!
A gorgeous 1895 cabinet card photograph showing a group of gentlemen gathered in from to “The Owen House” in 1895. Who are these men? Can you help me find and tell their stories?
This #foundphoto is interesting to me more for what is on the back than what is on the front. This probably early 1950s photograph has a bright red lipstick imprint on the back.
This shirtless fella is enjoying a summer day at the lake. He is standing in front some type of Ford, presumably his pride and joy. can you help me find and tell his story?
Handsomely dressed in a suite, tie, and tweed overcoat turned up at the collar, Themistocles sports a well coiffed head of dark Grecian hair and a toothbrush mustache. Can you help me find his story?
Hannah Mortensen sends a postcard to Amelia Naukee of Detroit, Michigan. Here’s what it says. Can you help me find and tell their stories?
Well, we’ve done it! Two years straight! This is the 104th installment of The Psychogenealogist Pic of the Week series. I hope you’ve enjoyed them. Here’s a beauty with links to all the other.
Postcard (1910): “Wish one and all a Happy New Year. Suppose Santa Claus came to you heavily loaded. Was very good to me. I am very busy now preparing to be bride-maid for a wedding. How are you standing this cold weather? Love to all. Anna L.”
Here is a beautiful cabinet card photograph showing the store of “Albert Wiedman, Manufacturer of Fine Confectionery”. That is probably Albert standing with his wife and son. Can you help me find and tell their stories?
Hunched, paint brush in hand, this older man casts his own shadow on the side of the building he is painting. Who is he and what is his story?
Here are six similarly aged and dressed men wearing Derby or Bowler type hats and dark overcoats. Who are they and what are their stories?