Every Friday The Psychogenealogist shares a "Pic of the Week." The intent is to encourage thought and imagination about the spaces where psychology, genealogy, and history converge.
I found this early to mid 1950s postcard at a local antique store. It shows the downtown of Grayling, Michigan, a city that has been a personal family vacation spot for decades.
Here's a Grayling post I wrote last year: The Psychogenealogist Pic of the Week (#27).
Here is another piece I wrote for Stand Magazine that talks about the importance of being a good uncle: Say Uncle: What Every Niece and Nephew Needs. In it I talk a bit more about my affinity for Grayling and its place in my family's history.
I don't remember the "Sorenson's" - Sodas, Sport Goods, and Magazines. My recollection is that this location was home to several different business over the yeas. It appears to be the same, somewhat barren, storefront depicted here from a recent google maps screen grab:
Grayling, Michigan - Google Maps
The cars are different too, obviously! I turned to my uncle-in-law (if that is a thing) who I appointed my genealogy car expert. He is my wife's maternal uncle. Here's what he had to say about the car in the postcard.
It appears to be a 1951 Hudson Pacemaker. Compare the chrome trim piece on the front fender and the front bumper/grille on the next batch of pics.
The first two photos here a re 1951 Hudson Pacemakers. The third one is of the 1950 model, the first year it was made.
So, having a knowledgeable car expert and google maps are great tools to have in your genealogy tool chest.
Do you have an old photograph or a genealogical story that you would like to share? I am happy to consider guest submissions for possible Pic of the Week or other blog posts in the future. Send an email to info@psychogenealogist.com for more information.
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