The 6 Guiding Values of My Genealogy and Family History Services

Mission Statement

From the beginning I have envisioned The Psychogenealogist as a place to explore the space where psychology, genealogy, and history converge. My aim is to help individuals find, tell, and share their family history stories in unique, engaging, and personally meaningful ways.

Here are the six values that guide my approach.

Guiding Values

Every person — you, all of your relatives, every ancestor, literally everyone — has a fascinating and unique experience and story.

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There is great personal and emotional value in learning and telling your family stories.

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We are all influenced by our pasts in ways that are not always evident until we start exploring our histories.

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Learning and recounting your family history, even the seemingly mundane stories, helps you:

  • Know who you are and where you came from.

  • Preserve and honor the lives of your ancestors.

  • Connect to your family across time, place, language, hearts, and minds.


As a professional psychologist with advanced experience in genealogy research and writing, I provide unique, empathic, and compassionate guidance as you find, tell, and share your family stories.

Steven J. Hanley, Ph.D. - The Psychogenealogist

Steven J. Hanley, Ph.D. - The Psychogenealogist

Learning your stories can, and should, be fun!


Do you have questions or just want some information? Please feel free to send me a message below!