Frank Zuzek

Home From War, A Soldier Visits His In-laws (1944)

Home From War, A Soldier Visits His In-laws (1944)

This is an interesting grouping of men in my family tree. My grandfather, James William Halvangis (1920-1973) stands with his father in-law, two brothers in-law, and two nephews some time between 1943 and 1945. Photo was colorized by Okkama Colorizations at The Psychogenealogist (2019).

"Dziadzio" - My Polish Great Grandpa: Adam Pawlowski (1879-1959)

"Dziadzio" - My Polish Great Grandpa: Adam Pawlowski (1879-1959)

My great grandfather, Adam Pawlowski (1879-1959) was known as “Dziadzio” by my mother and her generation. He was a quiet man, perhaps because he spoke little English. His hands seemed permanently yellowed from cigarettes and he had false teeth that he kept in a glass next to his bed. This is his story.

The Voice of the Detroit River, Frank Zuzek (1904-1981)

The Voice of the Detroit River, Frank Zuzek (1904-1981)

Frank Zuzek (1904-1981), Voice of the Detroit River - "Listeners always sat spellbound when Frank Zuzek recounted the tales of the Great Lakes freighters on the Detroit River. No one was better qualified to tell the stories."