
The Dresden Rose (Windsor, Ontario, Canada) - Family Artifact Challenge (Day 19)

 The Dresden Rose (Windsor, Ontario, Canada) - Family Artifact Challenge (Day 19)

The Dresden Rose Stitchery Collection was owned and operated by mother-in-law who, you recall, comes from a line of talented needleworkers. Her store was in business from about 1988-2004 in Windsor, Ontario, Canada.

Huron Pride Rutabaga Bag - Family Artifact Challenge (Day 7)

Huron Pride Rutabaga Bag - Family Artifact Challenge (Day 7)

This belonged to my father who, in his late high school and early college years (late 1960s), worked at a grocery store where he picked up this Exeter Produce & Storage Huron Pride Rutabagas burlap bag. He turned it into a piece of “art” that is enjoyed, off and on, today.