Every Friday The Psychogenealogist shares a "Pic of the Week." The intent is to encourage thought and imagination about the spaces where psychology, genealogy, and history converge.
This postcard shows two young suitors in a tender embrace being chased down by a driver and two passengers in a red car.
It reads:
The Only Two On Earth
It appears to be postmarked from Kearney, Nebraska. The handwritten date at the the top reads 9/24/1910. The addressee is:
Mr. Frank Hollingsworth
Kearney, Neb.
The back reads:
Hello Pickles. How you
was? So sorry you
are so lonesome.
Boo hoo! My but these
rainy days makes
me blue. Don’t they
you. My goodness the
folks have company
and I can hardly hear
myself think.
I am pretty sure that is right, but let me know if you think there are corrections to be made.
Who is Mr. Frank Hollingsworth and what is his story?
Who is writing to him?
What is the relationship between the two?
Who is the “company”?
How did Frank get the nickname “Pickles”?
What do you think, feel, and wonder about as you consider this postcard?
This found photo shows the Pelham High School in Pelham, NY around 1916.