Every week The Psychogenealogist shares a "Pic of the Week." The intent is to encourage thought and imagination about the spaces where psychology, genealogy, and history converge.
This week we have a trio of young kids posing on some sort of cannon-like structure. The photograph paper and clothes both suggest this was taken in the 1950s. On the left stands a tall palm tree. They are standing in front of a street, possibly a bridge. You can see a very small piece of a car (perhaps a back bumper) in the bottom left, behind the tree.

Who are these kids and what are their stories?
Where and when was this photo taken?
What are the sitting on? Did it come from a ship? A fort?
Where is this exact scene? Does it still exist?
What do you think, feel, and wonder about when you look at the photo?
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Related Posts: 1950s
This is the wedding invitation of my wife’s maternal grandparents, Laurence A. Petit Jr. (1925-2007) and Muriel Joy Gregory Petit (1930-2014). Beautifully framed, it hangs proudly in our home. They were married on October 5th, 1951.
Okkama Colorization at The Psychogenealogist of “Man reading the November 1956 Florida Outdoors magazine underwater at Silver Springs”. Original courtesy of the State Library and Archives of Florida.
Learning about where your family ate, drank, smoked, or celebrated can be as meaningful as knowing where they married, prayed, or were buried. My great grandfather, Arthur Bryan Myers Sears (1900-1965) dined at The Blackhawk Restaurant in Chicago, IL one 1950s evening with his colleagues. He likely had The Spinning Salad Bowl.
I never anticipated that my interest in genealogy and family history would lead me to learning about the history of Canada geese. But here we are.
A trio of 1950s kids pose on a cannon in a tropical location. Do you know where they are? Can you help find and tell their stories?
Here is a collection of mostly wintery scenes likely taken in Vermont in the 1940s and 50s. I love the vibrant color captured by these vintage Kodachrome photo slides!
Nothing too fancy here. Just a couple of women here, likely form the 1950s, sitting on a seesaw or teeter-totter with a cute little girl.
A Samaritan Holy Man likely from the 1950s stands next to a religious scroll. Who is this man wand what is his story?
Here is another series of vintage 1956 Kodachrome photo slide images. The notes on this particular set says: “Dec ‘56 - Jon’s 5th Birthday Party - Skokie C.C.”
This 1951 Jeep Willys Station Wagon has a unique history in our family. For many years it sat, unused, in the garage of the Leaning Tree Lodge, a family cabin on the Au Sable River in Grayling, Michigan.